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Frequently Asked Questions

Have I missed a question that you'd like answered? Send me a note.


Wondering if Focus & Fuel coaching is your perfect match?

Let's chat for 30 minutes and find out together! No pressure, just an honest conversation to see if my approach aligns with your goals and needs. Think of it as a friendly roadmap towards reaching your potential.

Unsure which Focus & Fuel module is your key to success? Let's explore!

I'm here to guide you every step of the way, so let's find the perfect module to build your foundation for lasting change and sustainable success.

Are you available in my area?

Location, location, location? Not a factor with Focus & Fuel! Online coaching gives us the flexibility to connect anywhere, anytime. While Google Meets and FaceTime are my go-to platforms, I'm always open to using tools that work best for you. 

How long will your Focus & Fuel journey last? It's all about YOU!

Change takes time. I have created 5-week modules and 11-week coaching plans to get you started. The foundation for change is laid during our weeks together, and ongoing sessions are available for those who'd like more. 

Insurance and Focus & Fuel coaching: Let's get creative!

While most insurance plans don't cover ADHD coaching directly, that doesn't mean we can't get resourceful! Here are a few ways to offset the cost and make your coaching journey more accessible:

1. Doctor's prescription: Did you know some doctors are open to writing prescriptions for ADHD coaching? If it aligns with your treatment plan, claiming it as a medical expense on your taxes might be an option.

2. Career focus? Talk to HR: If you're seeking coaching for career-related goals like boosting productivity or communication skills, consider approaching your HR department. They might be willing to contribute to your coaching journey under professional development programs.

3. Entrepreneur perks: Running your own business has its advantages! You may be able to deduct a portion of your coaching fee as a business expense. Talk to your accountant to see if this applies to you.

4. Free consultation: The best part? I offer a free 30-minute consultation call to explore your goals and brainstorm creative ways to make coaching work for you. There's no pressure; just an honest conversation to find the best fit!

Remember, investing in yourself is always worthwhile. And with a little creativity, we can navigate the insurance landscape and unlock your full potential together.

How do I know if I'm ready to work with a coach?

Can't quite shake the "scramble" days? A coach might be your magic ingredient!

We all have those days when life feels like a frantic juggling act. But sometimes, those days seem to linger, leaving you feeling scattered and frustrated. If that resonates, it might be time to consider working with a coach.

Therapy and coaching are amazing tools, but they serve different purposes. Think of therapy as diving deep into the emotional roots, while coaching empowers you to transform those insights into action. A coach is your partner in progress, helping you turn "I want to" into "I did it!"

Here are some signs that coaching is right for you:

  • Yearning for calmer mornings and smoother routines? A coach can equip you with strategies to conquer clutter and chaos, leaving you feeling in control.

  • Wishing you could focus like a laser? ADHD coaching unlocks powerful tools for boosting your attention and staying alert throughout the day.

  • Ready to ditch the feeling of being on autopilot? A coach helps you take the wheel of your life, empowering you to make conscious choices and confidently navigate challenges.

  • Inner critic holding you hostage? Coaching empowers you to silence self-doubt and embrace your strengths.

  • Craving progress, not perfection? This journey is all about small, impactful steps toward a fulfilling future. Your coach will cheer you on every step of the way, celebrating wins and helping you navigate setbacks.

Your privacy is a top priority! Confidentiality at Focus & Fuel.

Your journey with Focus & Fuel is yours, and your privacy is paramount. All discussions, notes, and information shared during our sessions are strictly confidential unless specific exceptions apply.

Here's how we ensure your trust and peace of mind:

  • Confidentiality agreement: We'll both sign a clear confidentiality agreement outlining the limitations and exclusions before we begin. This way, you know exactly what to expect and can feel confident sharing openly.

  • Respectful boundaries: I'm committed to upholding ethical standards and always seeking your consent before sharing any information with anyone else, including family or healthcare professionals.

  • Exceptions with care: In rare cases, there might be situations where disclosure is necessary, such as reporting harmful intent towards yourself or others. However, I would always discuss this openly and transparently before taking action.


Ultimately, your comfort and well-being are my top priorities. By building a relationship based on trust and open communication, you can be confident that your journey with Focus & Fuel will be a safe and secure space for growth.

Respect for each other's time is key, so here's our cancellation policy to keep things smooth:

24-hour notice for rescheduling: Life happens, and we understand! If you need to reschedule your appointment, just let me know 24 hours or more in advance, and we'll find a new time that works for both of us.

No-shows and late arrivals: Unfortunately, if you arrive more than 15 minutes late or miss your appointment without notice, the session will be considered a no-show. Since appointments are precious time slots, I won't be able to reschedule.

Open communication is always welcome: If something unexpected comes up within the 24-hour window, don't hesitate to reach out. We can try our best to find a solution that works for everyone.

Remember, my goal is to create a supportive and respectful coaching environment, and clear communication is a big part of that. By adhering to this policy, we can both focus on making your coaching journey a success!

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Important Note: At Focus & Fuel, we want to empower you with the information in our coaching content. But remember, it's not a replacement for professional medical advice. Our coach, while highly qualified, isn't a licensed healthcare provider. ​


Health first! If you have any concerns, always chat with your doctor before making any changes.

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Coaching for Motivated People with ADHD

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