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Declutter: Reclaim Your Focus

declutter a messy office to focus

Declutter: Pick Up, Clean, Organize, Fix, Track, Store

Yes, clutter demands time and attention, so focus on decluttering.

Our relationship with office belongings varies: some prefer minimalism, while others enjoy a cozy, lived-in environment. Deciding when possessions become clutter is subjective, but it’s crucial to recognize when your items are holding you back. Are they consuming your time, diverting your attention, or causing distractions?

Research shows that organized and uncluttered workspaces reduce distractions, boost productivity, and even promote calmness.

Let’s face it: keeping things neat and organized requires effort and can be challenging for anyone, especially for those with ADHD. Understanding how clutter impacts focus is the first step; making small changes is the next.

Clutter Competes for Your Attention

Piled papers, crammed cupboards, and sloppy shelves compete for your brain’s attention. Why? Because human brains like order.

Visual overstimulation, like a cluttered counter, requires your brain to process all that it sees, then filter out irrelevant information. This process consumes cognitive resources that could otherwise be spent getting important tasks done.

Before you sit down and get to work, do you find yourself stacking items scattered around you so you have space for your laptop? Research shows that people are able to work more productively in a clear workspace. Instead of your desk being a gathering space for unfinished business, why not create a catch-all under your desk? Imagine how easy it would be to start working.

Not only does clutter compete for your attention, it also triggers distraction.

Do you ever begin a project and find yourself sorting through unopened mail scattered across your desk? This happens because your attention is drawn to the disorganization, shifting your focus away from the task at hand.

Have you noticed that you can’t concentrate until you first tidy up? It might seem like procrastination, but you’re actually clearing visual distractions to help your brain focus. Either way, clutter disrupts your workflow.

Simple organizational tricks can reduce visual distractions so you can stay on task.

Declutter to Save Time and Focus

Everything in your office takes time: papers need sorting, equipment requires cleaning, and supplies need organizing. The effort to manage your workspace adds up.

When items don’t have a designated spot, they end up scattered across desks, in corners, or on the floor. No matter how much you tidy, the clutter seems endless. Imagine balancing the volume of items with available space, and picture each item having its own place. This would make organizing and cleaning much quicker and easier.

Ever search for a document amidst a pile of papers? Is it difficult to find the right tool or reference in a disorganized workspace? Imagine how much faster it would be to access what you need from a decluttered desk.

Do you lose everyday office supplies in the clutter? Keep them in designated spots like trays or organizers. Creating a clutter-free area for essentials like pens, notepads, and files can save you time and help maintain organization.

Simply Put…

Just like your office, your brain can become cluttered with unnecessary stuff, leaving little room for what's important. Visual reminders of disorganization deplete cognitive resources and reduce focus.

The good news? Creating an organized, decluttered environment can enhance your focus.




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